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Monthly Archives: March 2006

1) Build a website called

2) Recruit well-respected players to scout out and review locations in Second Life

3) Collect multiple reviews for each location and total the positive and negative viewpoints

4) Publish reviews and total score on website for each location

5) Provide lists of locations based on scores and individual reviewers

Bonus) Allow populous to rate reviewers. Use relative reviews to create 2nd, weighted scores

You have 30 minutes. No talking. Raise your hand if you have a problem.

UPDATE: Well, I gave you all over a year to do this. Time’s up! Turn your papers over. I’ve just registered the name. 😉

Forum-posted idea reprinted here for posterior. Um, I mean: posterity!

It would be nice if, in Second Life iteself, you could go into a Position Editing mode where your avatar freezes and “handles” appear at each joint. Selecting a handle brings up the normal rotaion edit locus we use to rotate prims, but it rotates that joint instead. Once done editing all the joints you want, and your own actual avatar is in the position you desire you can save this pose as an animation.

This would just be a one-frame pose, but with the addition of a window to track multiple frames, I can see the possibility of doing full animations. All we lose this way is reverse kinematics, but that usually causes more problems for new animators than it helps them. (But it could still be added, as a toggle option later.)

If you are playing a moddable animation when you trigger this Position Editing mode, you are editing that animation (but like the Appearance Editing mode, you can Save… or Save As… when done).

If it’s no mod, or you aren’t playing anything, the avatar reverts to the standard starting pose before you start to edit. (And you can only Save As…)

We know that a built-in web browser is coming to Second Life, first as a window, then as WWW-ona-prim.

But what about a third use?

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