Let me try another example here, this time in a future world of Second Life. I’ll use the example from two entries back as the base.
I have a plot of land. I parcel it up in chunks and do a bit of decorating and I end up with this:
I want to rent the two lots out and perhaps make a bit of money. I make a group called “Tiger Tenants” to keep the operation organized.
Now in the Olde Seconde Life, I’d put the land under the group’s control and invite people into the group when they rent a lot. They can then build on their lot, but they can also build anywhere else on my land, including the other lot. There is no limitation on the number of prims they can use, beyond the hard limit imposed by the size of the total land. Also, adding them to the group gives them other abilities unrelated to simple land rental, such as getting a portion of the dwell bonus for the whole area, among other things.
But, thankfully, I live in Nuevo Second Life, where groups work much better!
I open my new group and see:
Members (all members)
- Land Access – Unlimited
- Group Communication – Full IM
- Group Inventory – Take Only
- Tiger Crossing
Founders (founders)
- Permissions (all)
- Tiger Crossing
Add Role
First things first, I rename my default Roles and then I need to add two Roles, one for each lot…
Tiger Tenants (all members)
Lot 1 Tenants
Lot 2 Tenants
Landlord (founders)
Add Role
Now I need to add permission for the Tenants (when I get some) to build only where they need to…
Tiger Tenants (all members)
Lot 1 Tenants
- Rez/Build Objects – 100 prims
- Return Items – All But Land Owner’s
Lot 2 Tenants
- Rez/Build Objects – 100 prims
- Return Items – All But Land Owner’s
Landlord (founders)
Add Role
The land in question still belongs only to me, and isn’t associated with the group yet, so it’s time to do that. I select Lot #1 and open the About Land dialog to bring up the Permissions tab page…
All Visitors (all visitors)
- Land Access – Unlimited
- Run Scripts
- Make Landmark
- Teleport Other Here
- Members (all)
Owner (owner)
- Permissions (all)
- Tiger Crossing
Grant New Permission
Hmmm… Looks familiar, doesn’t it. Just like a group, with only slight changes. In this case, the “membership” is anyone standing on the plot, and the “founder” is the owner. Lets add a new permission set to it to denote what else our tenants will be able to do above and beyond what anyone that visits can do…
All Visitors (all visitors)
Tiger Tenants Lot Tenant
- Rez/Build Objects – 150 prims
- Return Items – All But Land Owner’s
Group: “Tiger Tenants” / Role: “Lot 1 Tenants”
Owner (owner)
Grant New Permission
So I named the new permission “Tiger Tenants Lot Tenant” and give it the same permission that the group needed for building. Notice that the prim allowance here is 150, but in the group permissions it is just 100. I did this deliberately so that if a tenant needs more prims, they can pay more and I will increase the limit on their Role. There is a cap of 150 on the land, however, so increasing the Role’s limit above that will do nothing. I also gave them permission to return items they find on their land (but not that belong to me).
I then added a new member. Doing so brings up a list of all my groups and their Roles. I picked the “Lot 1 Tenants” Role of my new group, and it was added. I do the same for the second lot, though this time giving it the member “Lot 2 Tenants”.
And now we’re all set. If Bob Bobson comes along and wants to rent lot 1, I send an invite to him from my group, indicating the “Lot 1 Tenants” Role in the process. When he accepts, he is added to the group and to the Role. The group then looks like this…
Tiger Tenants (all members)
- Bob Bobson
- Tiger Crossing
Lot 1 Tenants
- Bob Bobson
Lot 2 Tenants
Landlord (founders)
Add Role
So Bob is now all set, and can go ahead and build on lot 1, but ONLY lot 1.
Next: DHTML Experiment